From the green and artistic Umbria, in the wonderful scenery of Assisi and from the ancient Italian culture, experts for centuries in preserving its roots intact, are born the products proposed by Emozioni Francescane by Massimo Azzi. Ancient recipes and modern technology are the basis of high quality products presented in original and refined packaging.
In Umbria the gastronomic tradition is still linked to ancient customs and the rhythm of the seasons.
The Azzi family has been working in the sector since 2002 and Massimo presents the best products of this generous land:
extra virgin olive oil, condiments, pasta, legumes, whole fresh truffles in sauces, wine, liqueurs, cold cuts, cheese, sweets…
all products obtained from genuine raw materials, to fully satisfy the desire to eat in a healthy and natural way, as in the past.
Delicious panepizza stuffed with our Norcia cold cuts, with the addition of fresh pecorino cheese and for those who love truffles with truffle sauce.
A piece of our crescia stuffed like the above mentioned crostone.
Two slices of our cheese cake with slices of Norcia’s capocollo.
Rice rolls in various flavours – Omelet macaroni – Fried or baked calzones – Round pizzas in various flavours
The truffle, a species of hypogeum mushroom, which you can find here, depending on the season, black or white, freshly picked or vacuum-packed, to enjoy with friends or alone, on eggs or pasta, but also in delicious sauces, fruit of passion, experience and of the dog, a friend of man even in the precious research.
The famous pork butchers made with an accurate choice of meat and a careful processing in the respect of the real tradition, from the cojoni of mule salami with a heart of lard, to the balls of grandfather salami with unusual shape, to the salami with truffle or wild boar and many others without forgetting the ham or the capocollo and the pillow to delight your table and your palate. The local cheese of the highest quality and genuineness of the raw materials, of purely artisanal processing, from uncontaminated and fascinating territories, where often the history of mankind intersects with that of the natural landscape, from our pecorino cheese of Assisi to the fossa, many flavours for all palates.
Our collection of wines will make you rediscover the genuine flavours of our red “Sagrantino” and white “Grechetto” mono varietals, the Assisi DOC and others, obtained from selected vineyards and cared for according to the ancient oenological tradition of our region. Alongside these products we offer a wide range of liqueur wines and prosecchi, to be drunk on every occasion because the nectar wine of the gods is a natural and precious drink whose benefits are gradually rediscovered, a gift of nature to man.
Grappa made from the best local pomace, rosolio with a very ancient flavour, fruit-based liqueurs such as the now famous limoncino or the bitter Franciscan herb liqueur, all to be tried to believe the goodness and proposed with an extremely refined and refined packaging.
Our condiments made with fresh raw materials and traditional production methods maintain their original flavour. Like the wild boar ragout or our exclusive Franciscan sauce which is a squeeze of porcini mushrooms and nothing else.
The typical pasta of our territory, the strangozzi of durum wheat, produced with selected ingredients, processed as strozzapreti and other pasta in the kitchen of an ancient family of local master pasta makers, for those who can not give up the flavors of traditional Umbrian cuisine.
The history of our precious legumes is very ancient, they have always been cultivated on the karst plains of Castelluccio, inside the national park of the Sibillini Mountains at a height of about 1500 meters and have remarkable nutritional qualities, such as the famous lentil that should not be soaked and remains small.
The DOP oil of the Assisi hills, BIO or the monocultures, moraiolo, leccino, frantoio, are born in the green heart of Italy where people dedicate themselves with infinite passion to the cultivation and harvesting of the olives that grow on the rocky hills of the Umbrian soils. So on your table extra virgin olive oil cold extracted of excellence for all the preparations of our delicious cuisine.
Goodness, taste, absolute genuineness of the ingredients, this is the secret of delicious biscuits, chocolates and soft Franciscan sweets. The sweets are dedicated to every moment of celebration, many ideas to choose from, many elegant and original packaging that, like chests, reveal wonderful sweet treasures.
The homemade jams, fruit delicacies, fantastic accompanied with cheese or jams for breakfast or to season main courses to lick your lips, as made by grandmother with natural products, without the addition of artificial pectin or other additives.
The honey of our bees, from the uncontaminated nature of Umbria, many tasty types and products of our beekeepers, of extreme quality, also organic, but above all only and exclusively from our hives, for a unique taste experience.
Abbiamo conosciuto questo locale l'anno scorso e lo abbiamo subito recensito. Simpatici, educati e competenti sia il titolare che la dipendente. Poi per il resto è un tripudio di profumi... read more ed un paradiso per gli occhi; c'è di tutto e si finisce per comprare di sicuro qualcosa. Si trova sulla strada che porta alla Basilica e quindi al ritorno....fermatevi!
Locale tipico dei prodotti del posto. Proprietario gentilissimo ci ha spiegato tutti i particolari dei prodotti e aiutato sulla scelta!!!
Locale molto caratteristico, appena si entra si sente subito l’odore dei prodotti tipici e genuini che offre questo bellissimo paese...
Abbiamo provato vari prodotti e tutti squisiti, stessa cosa il... read more vino.. i prezzi modici per i prodotti che offre.
La caratteristica è che vende delle sfiziose confezioni Da poter regalare e portare in valigia.
Negozio sulla via che va alla cattedrale di San Francesco molto fornito di prodotti umbri con tante promozioni,proprietario molto gentile anche la figlia che ci ha fatto dei panini... read more favolosi 2 con il crudo e il pecorino e 1 con il capocollo e il pecorino costo 12.00 prezzi onesti.
Salumi tipici. Tartufo e mille altri prodotti buonissimi. Puoi assaggiare i salami ma attenzione che non riesci a smettere :-)
Piacevolmente Soddisfatto
Personale Preparato Molto Gentile
Disponibili e Cortesi soprattutto non invadenti
Vivamente consigliato.
Ho apprezzato molto i consigli ricevuti sull’acquisto di alcuni prodotti ( ci tengo a sottolineare... read more genuini e a Km zero ) per un regalo natalizio
Scoperto passeggiando le strade di Assisi
Prodotti freschi e buoni
Consigliato,cortesia del personale preparato sui prodotti in vendita che ci ha saputo ben indirizzare alla preparazione di una cena tra amici con tartufo, salumi e formaggi... read more pregiati
정말 좋은 곳이에요. 여기에서 트러플 소금이랑 오일 사서 나오는데 문앞에서 미끄러져서 인생에서 가장 심하게 자빠져서 다 깨졌었네요.. 근데 다 치워주시고 제가 만지지 못하게 해주시고 ㅜㅜ 제가 골랐던거 고대로 새걸로 주시면서 계산 다시 하겠다 하는데도 가라고 했어요.. 정말 고마운 사람.. 감동의 아시시 ㅜㅜㅜ 뭐라도 주고 오고 싶었는데 돈은 안받으실것 같고 저한테 있는건 이탈리아 기념품이라 아무것도 못주고 온게 미안할 따름...고마웠어요 이글을 본다면 다시한번 고맙다고 전하고 싶어요♡♡♡♡그리고 로마피렌체보다 여기가 훨 쌈
Negozio da 10/10 , entrando dentro si sente subito il profumo umbro, dal tartufo ai salumi questo negozio è il paradiso in terra. Servizio e accoglienza eccellenti, prezzi ottimi.
Consigliato rispetto ad altri negozi per la sua originalità
Bellissimo negozio storico di Assisi, proprietari gentilissimi e competenti, la qualità dei prodotti è ottima e i prezzi giusti. La foto del nonno (che assomiglia a Mattarella) incute fiducia...Consigliatissimo!